MACHW Workshops: Housing Rights and Advocacy Resources for CHWs
Do you have the information and resources you need to help your clients facing eviction?

Course Information
- Audience: Members of the Massachusetts Association of Community Health Workers (MACHW)
- Format: Online Workshop
- Date/Time: November 5, 2020 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EST
- Price: Free
- Length: 1.5 hours
- Credential(s) eligible for contact hours: Sponsored by New England Public Health Training Center (NEPHTC). If you complete the evaluation, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate will include the length of the workshop.
- Competencies: Care Coordination and System Navigation, Advocacy and Community Capacity Building
- Learning Level: Awareness and Performance
- Companion Trainings: MACHW Workshop Series
- ABCs of Immigration & Know Your Rights
- Exploring Mental Health Strategies to Cope with Everyday Stress
- Trauma Informed Care
- CHWs and Trauma Informed Care: Building Community Collective and Resilience
- Self Care, Caring for Ourselves and Others
- Amplifying Voice, Equity & Well-Being for Community Health Workers
- Supplemental materials:Session PowerPoint
- Pre-requisites: None
About this Workshop
The November 5 workshop is about the end of the eviction moratorium.
This MACHW interactive workshop series aims to support CHWs as they strive to serve their clients during these challenging times. The workshop formats will include expert panels, Q and A, and case studies on critical issues from across Massachusetts.
Get the resources and skills you need to excel as a CHW during these trying times. A monthly participatory workshop designed specifically for CHWs
What you'll learn
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe the moratorium at the federal and state level and the governor's new EDI initiative
- Describe strategies for advocacy at the local level
- Describe the fair housing framework and discrimination red flags
- Know the two follow up steps: Apply for RAFT and fill out the CDC Order
Lisette Blondet
Jamie Berberena
Areliz Barbosa
Lissette Blondet is the director of the Massachusetts Association of Community Health Workers (MACHW). She has dedicated most of her professional life to anchoring community health workers (CHWs) as public health professionals.
In 1993, she founded the Community Health Education Center (CHEC), one of the first training and resource centers for CHWs in the country. CHEC’s standards for CHW curricula and core competencies have been replicated in other states. The program was so successful that in 1997, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health funded its expansion to the northeast region of the state. Both centers, CHEC Boston and CHEC Northeast are still thriving and have graduated over a thousand CHWs.
More recently, Lissette provided technical assistance to the Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund on community health and community health workers. She also previously served as Director of Community Benefits for Cape Cod Healthcare, focusing on making healthcare accessible to the underserved while building her experience in healthcare financing.
As the director of MACHW, Lissette brings all her experience and skills to strengthen the association and strategically position the workforce to seize the many opportunities now available through health care reform, including reimbursement and broad recognition of the attributes and competencies of CHWs.
Jamie Berberena is the Southeast Regional Leader and Advisory Board member with the Massachusetts Association of Community Health Workers. She is a passionate public health advocate focused on promoting racial equity throughout Massachusetts. With over a decade of experience promoting the health and well-being of diverse communities across Massachusetts by providing direct support and guidance through community-based programs, multi-disciplinary clinical programs and health policy initiatives.
Areliz Barbosa is a CHW and is the Regional Chapter Leader for Western Massachusetts for the Massachusetts Association of Community Health Workers.
Subject Matter Experts
Andrea M. Park
Mary Ellen Natale
Kristina da Fonseca
Andrea M. Park joined MLRI as a Housing and Homelessness staff attorney in 2016. Prior to that Andrea worked as an Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights and Consumer Protection Divisions of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office; an attorney at the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau on an innovative foreclosure defense project partnering lawyers and community organizers; and a staff attorney at Community Legal Aid in Worcester specializing in housing, foreclosure, consumer and bankruptcy litigation.
In 2015 Andrea was honored by the Harvard Law and International Development Society and Harvard Women's Law Association in their International Women's Day Portrait Exhibit entitled Women Inspiring Change. Andrea holds a B.A. from Tufts University, an M.A. from the University of Chicago, and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School, where she served as director of the Indian Child Welfare Act Clinic. Andrea grew up in East Tennessee and is a lifelong musician.
Mary Ellen Natale is Managing Attorney of South Coastal Counties Legal Services’ (SCCLS) New Bedford, MA Law Office. Prior to joining SCCLS, she was Deputy Director of the Legal Aid Society of Rockland County (NY). Her previous positions include Managing Attorney with Legal Aid of Western Ohio; and Staff Attorney positions with the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, Nassau/Suffolk Law Services Committee, the Legal Aid Society of Rochester, NY and with the Food Research and Action Center in Washington, DC. A graduate of Colgate University and Boston College Law School, she has held faculty positions at the Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law and at St. John’s University School of Law.
Attorney Kristina da Fonseca is founder and Executive Director of SouthCoast Fair Housing (SCFH). SCFH is a non-profit full-service fair housing organization with a mission is to eradicate housing discrimination and increase equal housing opportunities in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. SCFH provides fair housing education and outreach, investigates fair housing complaints, enforces fair housing laws, and advocates for policies that will further fair housing.
Select the Enroll Me button below to register for this workshop. If you have any trouble accessing the workshop, contact support@nephtc.org.
This project is supported by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health
This project is/was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UB6HP31685 “Regional Public Health Training Center Program”. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.