The Essence of Femininity

Be All the Things You Want In a Partner

Look for Green Lights When Choosing a Partner

The Amorality of Seduction Techniques

How to Choose Your Marriage Partner

Hoping For Those Three Little Words

Learning to Swim in the Deep End

Swiping the V-Card

The 6 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex

Chastened A Contemporary Cautionary Tale

I admit that I’m kinda definitely a control freak. I like to know what the plan is, who’s going, what to expect, etc. “Just winging it” isn’t really in my vocabulary. Life would be a lot less stressful if this wasn’t the case, but it’s part of my personality and I’m learning to embrace it. But my love of control/need for total knowledge of a situation before I can get into it can make certain aspects of life more challenging.


For example, going to networking events alone. The idea makes my skin crawl, but I really do love meeting new people and I know how important networking is, so I do it. Last week, I went to an event where I didn’t know anyone (scary) at a spot I’d never been to (also scary). I won’t lie, I was nervous sweating the whole time, but I ended up meeting some great people and was really glad I went. To soothe my inner control freak before the event, here’s what I did:


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